Category: Tank
Rhapsody in Blue
Location: Amarout Weapon: Heavy Metal Greatsword (Undyed) Head: Mheg Deaca Circlet (Undyed) Body: Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending (Undyed) Arms: Scion Liberator’s Fingerless Gloves (Undyable) Legs: Bunny Chief Tights (Undyed) Feet: Bonewicca Protector’s Sabatons (Dyed: Aldgoat Brown)
Battle for Night
Location: The Drowned City of Skalla Weapon: Lakeland Great Sword (Undyeable) Head: Durium Hairpin of Fending (Undyed) Body: Omicron Gambison of Fending (Undyeable) Arms: Bonwicca Protector’s Gauntlets (Undyed) Legs: Omicron Trousers of Fending (Undyeable) Feet: Bonwicca Protector’s Sabatons (Undyed)